Welcome to Á La Carte Cooking

I’m so glad you stopped by!
I’m Dana Michelle, a lover of food, life and adventure. We created Á La Carte Cooking as a way to share the great products we love and use in and around our home.
It all kind of started in our kitchen with our Vitamix, which gets used several times a week and sometimes even daily!
At one point in time both Grant and I worked for Vitamix. We spoke with so many customers who love their Vitamix just as much as we do, but sometimes they had questions, so, we started creating weekly videos, which you can also find here.
One thing led to another, creative ideas started flowing and we started discovering how we could improve other products in and around our home.
Before we knew it, we’d created Á La Carte Cooking.
Our mission is to be your go to place for solving your home’s little problems. We pride ourselves in providing high quality products with a positive outlook and outstanding customer service.
We’re excited to be on the journey with you!
Oh and one more thing, don’t just make it a good day… Make it a GREAT day!