Fun Ideas for the Happiest Valentine Couple this 2022 (No.5 Will Surprise You!)
Happy Hearts’ Day! Or should I say Happy Valentine’s Day! No matter what you call this special occasion, the most important thing is to spend it with your special someone. Perhaps, some of you may have saved enough to throw out a grandiose celebration because you want to make sure you and your partner are the happiest Valentine Couple this 2022.
The truth is, a simple celebration could be more than enough especially if you do the necessary preparations ahead of time. Not sure how to celebrate that special day? You’re in luck, you found our post.
Below are some fun ideas for a wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration and we bet no. 5 will surprise you! Keep reading.
1. Brunch Date
The best way to a person’s heart is through their stomach, at least it is for me ;-). So make sure you’re serving food that expresses just how sweet it is to be loved by you!
If an evening dinner date or a breakfast in bed is not your idea of celebrating Valentine’s Day together, how about a short Brunch Date? When we think about having brunch on a busy day, you’ll probably be preparing some fluffy pancakes because they’re so easy to prepare and don't require much cooking time. Especially if you prepare the batter in your Vitamix.
But this Valentine’s Day, make it something special by giving them a makeover with triple chocolate fudge brownies mix. Do not forget to top it up with whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa! Check out Taste.com to see the full recipe.
Alright, so what if your partner is on a diet and doesn't want to indulge in something that’s high in calories? How about preparing a healthy smoothie bowl that will make you both the healthiest and the happiest Valentine couple this year? You’ll both be happy knowing you had a wonderful brunch together, but without the guilty feeling of over indulgence in something super sweet and decadent.
2. Breakfast in Bed
There’s nothing like waking up next to the person you love and saying “Breakfast in bed is ready!”
So, you’re not a morning person and you hate preparing breakfast, but it’s Valentine’s Day and you want to do something special for your significant other, right? The good news is there are plenty of breakfast in bed recipes that you can prepare with not too much effort.
How about this Cheesy French Toast from BBC GoodFood? Note that there are thousands of varieties of French Toast, we especially love Stuffed French Toast in our home. There are countless ways to customize French Toast to suit you and your partner’s tastes.
Make sure you’re using the best bread. Some people like the bread to be softer than their usual loaf of bread. Others prefer to have French toast using bread that contains more liquid but with less amount of flour. Some of the best options include a soft white bread, a brioche, one of my favorites, or a challah.
Remember that an ideal breakfast in bed recipe is something that’s not too clumsy, leaving your kitchen with a big mess, nor too time consuming to prepare. It has to be easy to eat so you won’t have to worry about staining the bed.
3. Create Your Own Cocktail
Cocktails work pretty much like love potions. It’ll keep you reaching for more drinks, hugs and kisses!
Instead of stressing yourself trying to figure out what to do this Valentine’s or how to make sure you’re the Happiest Valentine couple, enlist the help of your partner to make this Valentine’s Day extra special.
Try creating cocktails together, it not only makes your day special, it also spares you from the trouble of adding an ingredient that your partner does not like. Visit our A La Carte Cooking Happy Hour YouTube Channel for more inspiration.
Here are some ideas of cocktails to prepare this Valentine’s Day:
Braving the world of bartenders and mixologists does not warrant a professional degree, that is, if you’re just looking to enjoy your cocktails with family and loved ones at home. You also do not have to spend thousands of dollars to equip your kitchen with cocktail making tools and accessories.
All you need are a few pieces of cocktail-making essentials and a few YouTube videos to get you started and then you’re off to making cocktails for you and your Valentine.
Besides, when you’re making them together you’ll confidently shake up those delicious spirits to serve in your favorite martini glass, double-walled glass, in a mason jar or whatever glassware you two prefer.
4. Outdoor Grilling
May your love for each other keep you warm and may your passion for grilling keep your food from burning! Enjoy Valentine’s Day by doing a little outdoor grilling.
The best Valentine celebration would be one that is tailor-made to your loved one’s preference. If he or she is the type of person who loves to have satiating meals as an important part of your time spent together, then an outdoor grilling is sure to please.
How about a perfect Traeger Grilled Chicken, some wine, and lots of love on Valentine's Day? Celebrating this romantic occasion doesn't always have to mean preparing your food indoors.
Never hesitate to try new recipes this Valentine’s Day. This list of mouth watering recipes from Traeger.com will definitely increase your chances of being the happiest Valentine couple this year.
Need a little confidence boost to do a little winter outdoor grilling? Check out our post titled Winter Grilling: Wood Pellet Grills Make it Happen.
Outdoor grilling can also be a wonderful activity if you’re celebrating this Valentine's day with a group of friends, for a group date this Valentine’s Day. The setup does not have to be too extravagant nor too simple, just enough to make the day extra special with good food and good conversation. Don’t forget to add in lots of loving words and touchy feels.
5. Go on a “Shooting” Adventure
Did Cupid hit your heart's bullseye? Be happy! It qualifies you for a date night at some of the best indoor shooting ranges in the country.
If you and your partner have already tried the ideas above, consider going out for an adventure of a lifetime. And, no it doesn’t require you to go ziplining, bungee jumping or kayaking. After all, if you’re living in an area where winter is still in full swing, these ideas certainly won’t make you the happiest Valentine couple.
Instead, how about visiting a shooting range. Yes, you’ve read it right. An indoor or outdoor shooting range is a place where couples can have fun and be like kickass shooters!
There are many indoor ranges out there that offer special prices for couples shooting together. SafeFire has a new kind of Date Night that makes couples’ heart beats go racing, I mean literally! Be sure to make advanced reservations and tell them you want to reserve a lane for a Date Night package this February 13 or 14.
If you aren’t located in the Pacific Northwest and you’re not sure where to go for a shooting adventure, checkout xhunttargets.com to find the best indoor ranges located according to the city or state where you live.
6. Create An Art Project
Do you know that art and relationships go together? Love allows people to unleash their creative side. Love makes people see the beauty in everything.
If you and your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, fiancée, fiancé, darling, honey, lovey dovey-- or “partner” for short, I think we’ve covered all the bases… ;-) would want to do something different this Valentine’s Day then why not spend time on an art project?
There is absolutely no need to sign up for a crash course on art. You just have to do a little internet search for fun art projects that couples can do together making special Valentine memories together.
Check out this post about 10 Valentine’s Day Art Projects for inspiration.
Whatever you decide to do for Valentine's Day, remember what’s most important is that you took the time to be together to celebrate this special day. If you’re on a tighter budget, don’t forego the celebration just because you don’t have money to buy expensive jewelry or to reserve a room filled with roses. The language of love doesn’t cost anything!
We hope this post makes your Valentine planning a little more fun and a little less stressful. Go ahead and be confident about executing your chosen idea. Give it your best shot and do everything in the name of love.
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